Terms of Use


Use of the CHOPAS.com Site is subject to certain Terms of Use which constitute a legal agreement between you "RENTOR" and Same-Page.com LLP the "COMPANY". By using this Service "Service", you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by the Terms of Use. Please review the Terms of Use; and if you do not agree to the terms, do not use this Service.


The copyright of all material provided by this service is held by the Same-Page.com LLP Except as stated herein, none of the code may be copied, reproduced, distributed, republished, displayed, posted or transmitted in any form or by any means, including, but not limited to, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the Same-Page.com LLP All materials posted by the Rentor remains the sole copyright of the Rentor.

Permission is granted to display, copy, distribute, upload and download the materials on this Service for commercial use only provided you do not modify the Service and that you retain all copyright and other proprietary notices contained in the materials and provide a link to your site when feasible.

Any unauthorized use of any material contained on this Service may violate copyright laws, international copyright treaties and conventions, trademark laws, the laws of privacy and publicity, and communications regulations and statutes.


Same-Page.com LLP provides the Service on an "as-is" basis. The company may make modifications to the services as needed and at it's sole discretion. If a rentor of the service requests additional features, the company may add that feature at a cost of $100 per hour to the initial requester of service modifications and will be free to offer the additional feature to other users of the Service.

Same-Page.com LLP is not responsible for transmission errors, connection speed and/or errors or omissions created by the users of the Service.


CHOPAS provides access by unique identifier to only registered users of the service. Same-Page.com LLP makes available to it's users advanced functions that allow administrators the ability to limit the visibility of each registered user. This includes the ability to see or not see email addresses, phone numbers, street address and other private personal information. In most instances these items can be restricted by user or group of users. It is the legal responsibility of the RENTOR to determine if the service abides by the state laws Condo and Homeowner Association. Same-Page.com LLP can not be responsible for any disruption because of mis-configuration of the service.


The Service is available on a quaterly or yearly fee basis or by licensing arrangement with Same-Page.com LLP


The Rentor may make the Service available to its users by either creating a link to the CHOPAS site emedding the provided login code to an existing site, or utilizing our custom landing page. The Rentor is hereby granted the right to display the CHOPAS and Same-Page.com logos on their site and in their promotional material.


The Rentor is hereby granted the right, at no charge, to display samples pages from within the CHOPAS site at the discretion of Same-Page.com LLP. Material not deemed appropriate may be removed at the sole discretion of Same-Page.com LLP. By entering this agreement the Rentor gives permission to use their name and logo in the promotional activities of Same-Page.com LLP and the CHOPAS site as it may relate to the use of the Service.


Upon termination of the Service by the Rentor the Rentor agrees to delete all files associated with the rental of the Service within 10 days. Files left on the Service after said period may be deleted by Same-Page.com LLP without any recourse by the Rentor. Service may be canceled within 5 days of setting up an account for a full credit refund by sending an electronic message to Accounting/Billing Inquiries. In said event the Rentor will be entitled to a full refund. Any use of the service after said time period will be deemed non-eligible for any refund.


The Rentor may not upload, download any non-approved file type. The Rentor may request permission to add a file type by sending a request to Technical Support. All requests are treated on a first come first serve basis. At no time may a rentor transmit a program or executable file to the Service.


Same-Page.com LLP makes available to the Rentor a specific set of tools for the administration of the CHOPAS site. It is the Rentor's sole responsibility to administer the Service while adhering to the guidelines listed above. From time to time and as needed Same-Page.com LLP may at it's sole discretion modify said administration functions. User administration function apply only to a specific CHOPAS site.


Same-Page.com LLP makes no claim on the material in any CHOPAS site. The Rentor is solely responsible for any claims resulting from their use or posting of material that is copyrighted by others.


Same-Page.com LLP is not responsible for any Errors and/or Omissions that are created by the Rentor. The Rentor is solely responsible for properly uploading, downloading and maintaining the CHOPAS site.

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